Abolition As Resurrection

As part of SBI’s public education and advocacy program, we joined efforts to host a Lent and Easter devotional podcast miniseries that explores abolition and its (potential) relationship to resurrection, co-hosted by Jia Johnson and Camille Hernandez. Together they are in conversation with historians, scholars, community organizers and abolitionists to learn more about abolition.

They are asking big questions: What is abolition? What’s its relationship to Christian spirituality? And how can we pursue a lifestyle t of practicing abolition into our everyday lives while making it a systemic reality?

Watch the Abolition as Resurrection podcast trailer here or on IG at @sbimccormick. 

Subscribe to Abolition as Resurrection podcast on your favorite podcast app.


“I’m glad that I stayed... It’s big that you care about us all. Keep coming and keep staying with us.”

—Student Voice from the Inside