Program Overview

We approach our work of justice-making and solidarity-building with the following four programs:

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Seminary in jail offers incarcerated learners an opportunity to earn an Introductory Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus on intellectual, spiritual, and practical tools for holistic transformation as persons in community.


Re-entry support system develops community relationships and networks that connect students who are incarcerated at the Cook County Jail (and their communities) to networks of support that could assist in re-entry and seek to address the issue of mass incarceration, criminal justice, police reform, and community building.


Collaborative Partnerships invite the broader McCormick community and neighboring academic institutions and community-based organizations to share in the work of SBI as co-laborers. We offer a variety of opportunities for partnerships that range from volunteering, collaborating, sponsorships, and advocating.

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Public education and advocacy focuses on initiatives and political education efforts that raise consciousness, build power and cultivate communities of solidarity for holistic social transformation (including policy) on issues of mass incarceration and carceral education. We host public education events with our Community-Driven Curriculum model.